Sitemap - 2022 - My Own Private Waste Land

We Interrupt This Memoir Newsletter to Bring You Christmas

Memoir and Memories of Christmas

Memoir and Revision

Memoir and the Great Fallow Period

The Never-ending Memoir and Quest for Publication

Memoir and Memoir Structure

Memoir and the Voices of Literary Masters

Memoir, Facts, and Info-Dumping

Memoir and Family - Writing About "Those People"

Memoir: Epic Post Thanksgiving Edition

Memoir Sidestepping

I wrote a memoir. Now what?

Memoir and Modernism's Mantle - "The Waste Land"

Memoir and a Frisbee - My Very Own Madeleine

The Portland Book Festival

Memoir and The Pivot: My Own Private Waste Land

Join my new subscriber chat for My Own Private Waste Land

Memoir: The Anniversary Edition

Memoir and Interiority

Memoir and Metaphor

Memoir and Meteorology

Memoir and the Truth, or is it "Truth"?

Pitching the Query

"Carnality" in Memoir

"The Waste Land," Drought, and Memoir

T.S. Eliot - "The Waste Land," 100 Years Later

Distortions and Allusions

But at my back I always hear . . .

Table of Contents Explained

"A Game of Chess" - Comparison to My Brother

Chapter One - The Opening

"He Do the Police in Different Voices": Voice in Memoir

We Have Arrived in Seattle

Monday, August 29 - Salinas, California

Friday - August 26 - Tucumcari

The First Time I Tried to Drive a Car

Info-Dumping in Memoir

In the Upside Down

Is It Thanksgiving Yet?

Voice in Memoir

A Little Break as I Pack to Move

Close Reading, A Gift from Hinkle

Ready to Write Memoir? Hold on a Sec.

Memoir and Memory

Eliot in the Sanitorium, part 2

Eliot in the Sanitorium

Naming Names and Libel

Memoir and Family

The 4th

Writing Memoir is Like Baking a Cake

"Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak."

Let the Great Move Begin

What's In a Name? - Memoir and Libel

Art and Craft - Writing Memoir

New Horizons on the Horizon

The Realities of the Publishing Industry

The Making of a Memoir - First Attempts

The Third Time I Was Fired

Memorial Day 2022

The Second Time I Was Fired

Memoir and Memory

The First Time I Was Fired

The End of Vacation

Springtime in Savannah

Atlanta Writers Conference, Day 2 - The Pitch

Hurry Up Please It's Time - The Atlanta Writers Conference is Here

Stage Left: Enter the Academic

Structuring My Memoir

"The Waste Land" as Metaphor for Memoir

The Whirlpool

My Memoir Evolves: Or, How I Stopped Writing About My Brother and Learned to Love Memoir

I am my brother / I am not my brother

My brother, the hippie, basketball star, frisbee freak, preacher, husband, father, dog owner . . .

Inside Moves

Memoir Genesis - The Kernel

Atlanta Writers Conference

Why T. S. Eliot?

My Own Private Waste Land